第五十回 用专门两回碰钉子 打戏馆千里整归装
话说劳航芥看完那封信,随手一撂道:“原来是个英国人叫我做福而斯的,想来包开安徽全省矿务,这种小事敢值得来惊动我?”洋老总是极有涵养的,只得陪笑脸说:“请先生就覆他一覆罢。”劳航芥道:“说不得,吃人一碗,听他使唤。”叫人拿过墨水笔跟着一张纸来,飕飕的写道:Anching,15th day gth moonGovernor's YamenSir.In reply to your letter of the Ist day of thethmoon,re Mines in this my Province of Anhui,I have thehonour to inform you that,although I have done everything in my power in trying to obtain for your syndic-ate the privileges desirde by yor, an imperial rescri-pt has been received refusing sanction thereanent.Und-er the circumstances,therefore nothing can be done foryor in the matter.I have the honour to be ,SirYour obedient serrant HUANG SHENG Governor To Mr.